The 7 habits of AI-powered workplace leaders: UNITE

With special guest Paul Urmston, Area Workplace Manager, NatWest

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Earlier this year we launched a webinar series to explorethe 7 habits we’ve seen AI-powered workplace leaders use to make positive workplace changes in their organisations. A set of common attributes that powertheir success. An approach that cuts through the challenges that can often hold workplace back. 

In this webinar we’ll be exploring how to address the first aim: UNITE

It’s been a long-held idea that bringing Property, FM, HR and IT teams around a common cause enables a great workplace experience. But this reality often fails to materialise. Silos persist and priorities diverge.But we’ve seen how workplace leaders can crack it.

In this webinar we’ll explore how:


Frameworks can create shared understanding


Workshops can create more powerful ‘aha’ moments than documents


Shared insights can promote collaborative action


Co-founders of Audiem and co-hosts of the popular Workplace Geeks podcast, Chris Moriarty and Ian Ellison have been in and around the workplace sector for more than 20 years combined are joined by  special guest Paul Urmston, Area Workplace Manager, NatWest


Paul Urmston is an Area Workplace Manager for NatWest Group responsible for the facilities operations across the South of England. He graduated from The University of Manchester in 2016 with a degree in Economics BA (Hons). He is focused on ensuring the workplace proposition at NatWest is able to stand up to the changing nature of our colleagues wants and needs with a special interest in measuring the workplace experience and being able to prove the value of workplace investment without factoring in cost savings from property consolidation.


Chris Moriarty is a co-founder of workplace experience analytics engine, Audiem, and co-host of the Workplace Geeks podcast. He has been involved in some of the sector’s most important conversations about the future of work, the workplace and the facilities profession’s role within that.

Former Director of Insight at IWFM and UK MD for Leesman, Chris is often as asked for his commentary and insight into the latest workplace trends and how organisations can embrace them.


Ian Ellison has contributed to the UK workplace sector for 25 years. Following a senior lecturer role at Sheffield Hallam University, he co-founded 3edges Workplace, focusing on workplace education, research and award-winning consultancy.

Most recently he co-founded the AI-powered workplace experience insights platform, Audiem and co-hosts the Workplace Geeks podcast.

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